For candidates preparing for BCS and other job exams in Bangladesh, the BCS Bangla PDF is a valuable resource. Using the BCS Bangla PDF, candidates can gain a deeper understanding of Bangla language, literature, grammar, and composition. They can study at their own convenience and refer to the content as needed. There are a number of advantages of using the BCS Bangla PDF, and I believe the PDF is a valuable asset for candidates seeking to excel in the BCS and other job exams that assess Bangla proficiency.
Ten subjects are included in the BCS preliminary test. Bengali is the most important of those subjects. You have to answer 35 bangali questions out of total 200 questions. Here we suggest you some bengli books for your perfect preparation.
For long and healthy preparation you may follow - Oracle preliminary Bangla.
For short and Quick preparation you may follow - MP3 Preliminary Bangla.
Both of students must follow Sahitto Jiggasha by Saumittra Shekhor.
Ancient and Middle Age -5 Marks
Mordern Age -15 Marks
Topics: Application misuse, Spelling and Sentense Correction, terminology, synonyms and antonyms, sounds, letters, words, Parts of Speech, sentences, convictions (Prottoy), Euphonic Combination (Sondhi), Compound Words (Samash).